On Thursday, during a press briefing where he declined to answer questions from journalists, Serge Blanco was the first time publicly expressed about the rumor of a merger of the clubs Bayonne and Biarritz. Confirming the discussions started with the neighboring Bayonne, Biarritz president refuted the idea of a merger. Idea already abandoned earlier this week by Manu Merin, President of Rowing, appalled by the threats against him, his family and his business.
“Rugby has experienced exceptional development, said Blanco. I found myself in front of the obvious: how to locate the BO? I am red and white in my flesh, but I have to think. A simple reflection because yes, the Basque rugby is in danger. Me the strain Biarrot, red and white since my early youth, I worry. In the current context, we exchanged but never, oh never, we have talked about merging. Something was out discussions with Bayonne. The Rowing and BO may continue to exist. But … “
The vice-president of the French Federation also denounced the maneuvers orchestrated by some opponents of a possible draft merger of the two Basque clubs who struggle to coexist by being so close geographically and facing economic difficulties for several seasons. “We were placed kicks, Manu Merin and I, in an atmosphere of burned corpses, denounced the former international defender. There are great chauvinists who protest and threaten but who will benefit from the crime? At least two people have drooled and Gentlemen Neys and Ruggieri. Which were however excluded from Bayonne. If they think they can manage a club pro, they come with lots of money and the desire to see the Basque rugby top. “And
Blanco concluded:” Perhaps the future is dying in a corner, alone and sick, ok. But I would assume not. “One more heavy sentence meaning and which clearly feared a starting Blanco.
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