Friday, May 29, 2015

Fifa. Direct. Sepp Blatter re-elected after the withdrawal of Prince Ali – Ouest-France

Joseph Blatter, president since 1998, was re-elected to 79 years for a fifth four-year term following the withdrawal of Prince Ali before the second round on Friday at the election in Zurich.

This election tienait while FIFA is hit by a scandal of global corruption. In the first round, had obtained 133 votes Blatter, Prince Ali, 73. Prince Ali had therefore succeeded in pushing Joseph Blatter in the second round before retiring.

Immediately after the election, Blatter promised to “give a stronger Fifa to (her) successor” .

In the first round, the two-thirds majority was required. For the second round, and any other requisite ballot, a simple majority, that is to say over 50% of valid votes, would have sufficed.

In the previous election, in 2011, Blatter was elected with almost 90% of the votes (186 votes out of 203 votes cast). He was the only candidate after the package of the President of the Asian Confederation, Mohammed Bin Hammam, forced to withdraw a few days before the election and banned for life for vote buying in his campaign.

19 h 29. Blatter: “I promise to give a stronger Fifa my successor”

Joseph Blatter promised “to give my successor a stronger Fifa” and held at “congratulate and express gratitude “ Prince Ali, who withdrew before the second round of the election.

Joseph Blatter in brief:

Can the Prince Ali unseat Sepp Blatter?
Can Prince Ali dethrone Sepp Blatter? | AFP

Name: Blatter

First Name: Joseph

Nationality: Switzerland

Birthday: March 10, 1936

Born: in Visp (Switzerland)

Roles to FIFA:

Chairman since 1998

Secretary General (1981-1998)

Technical Director (1975-1981)

19 h 16. Sepp Blatter re-elected after the withdrawal of Prince Ali

Michel Platini congratulates Prince Ali bin Al Hussein.
Michel Platini congratulates Prince Ali bin Al Hussein. | Photo: Reuters

The Prince Ali who got 73 votes in the first round Sepp Blatter had forced a second round. He finally decided to retire with only little chance of winning. This is the third longest tenure for a FIFA president Jules Rimet after (33, French), and Joao Havelange (24, Brazilian).

18 h 59. 133 votes Blatter, Prince Ali, 73, mandatory second round

The Prince Ali got 73 votes against 133 for Blatter. Results that are forcing the two men to a second round. To be elected, a candidate must receive two-thirds of votes in the first ballot. If this score is not reached, a second round is then organized. The candidate is elected if he obtains a simple majority, or 50% of the vote.

18 h 32. At the end of voting, the counting start

The vote to elect the president Fifa, which will separate Blatter, 79, in office since 1998 and his challenger Prince Ali, 39, one of its vice-presidents, has ended. Place the recount.

18 h 20. Netanyahu welcomed the “failure” of Palestinians

The Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu s ‘welcomed “failure” of Palestinians to vote exclusion of Israeli football federation FIFA, an “provocation” iconic according to him, the diplomatic strategy adopted by the Palestinians.

17 h. Voting begins

The president is elected by the congress of FIFA (209 voters), for a period of 4 years. The election is held by secret ballot. According to the site FranceTVinfo, the results should fall around 19 hours.

16 h 50. Sepp Blatter speaks

It is now that Sepp Blatter speaks at the congress of FIFA, just before 209 federation presidents elect the next president of the institution. “It makes me responsible for the storm (…) I want to take this responsibility, I want to go back the way I want it again, or just arrange FIFA. I want, at the end of my term, give a strong Fifa, which will be out of the storm, which will have enough safeguards to ignore the actions of right and left. It will be a strong Fifa, I promise you. “

Sepp Blatter talks about his age and the fact he leads FIFA for 17 years, a major criticism of his adevrsaires: « I spent time with FIFA is still short “, he said provoking hilarity journalists in the room.

16 h 40. Prince Ali speaks

The Jordanian Prince Ali bin Al-Hussein, a candidate for the presidency of FIFA, is the first to deliver a speech at the podium. “We are the guardians of a game that has the power to unite, has he stated. We must be guided by a culture of transparency (…) I want hire me as a leader to put our house in order. “

16 h 30. imminent Vote

or Ali Blatter? The vote to elect the President should take place at 16:30. The protagonists come to a break of 10 minutes. On their return the place of the congress will resume its course with the vote to elect the president. Voting is by secret ballot.

16 h 20. Valls wants to shed light

In Marseille, Manuel Valls spoke on the Fifa scandal shakes “ Football is the first sport is a popular sport, the most watched in the world, (…) which makes dream. And so it is true in other areas (…), everyone must be exemplary. Of course the players in their behavior, but also the leaders of national and international football. “ He hoped that” different justices seizure “, go after their investigations.

16 h 15. handle hands history

The presidents of federations Football Palestine, Jibril Rajoub, and Israel, Ofer Eini, have shaken hands, after the first withdrew its resolution calling Israel’s exclusion from Fifa on Friday at the 65th Congress of the instance. “Working together” , launched Mr. Eini in the gallery of FIFA. Mr. Eini crossed the whole room to shake hands with Mr. Rajoub.

15 h 45. The British financial fraud examines the “Materials”

The Serious Fraud Office (SFO), the UK Office for the Fight against financial crime, examine the information in its possession concerning suspicions of corruption within FIFA.

“The SFO continues to actively review the material in its possession indicated that it stands ready to lend a hand to international criminal investigations” , said a spokesman refusing to give more detail at this stage.

14 h 30. Resumption of Fifa congress after a bomb threat

Swiss police said Friday investigate a bomb threat at the Congress International Football Federation (FIFA) who briefly interrupted the work of the assembly. The threat was made by telephone to a newspaper in Zurich on Friday morning, said the city police, stating that there was no evacuation.

However, delegates out to lunch 45 minutes earlier than planned, have, at first, not allowed to re-enter the building after their break while police conducting the research, said a Reuters reporter. “A search was conducted” during the break, told delegates the General Secretary of FIFA Jerome Valcke after the resumption of the conference.

14 h. Cameron asks Blatter’s resignation

British Prime Minister David Cameron on Friday called for the resignation of Joseph Blatter. “I think he should go. You can not have corruption charges at this level and at this scale in this organization and pretend that the person driving the now is the right person to advance it “ said David Cameron, to Berlin at a joint press conference with German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

13 h 15. Bomb Threat

A bomb threat was reported during the break noon in the convention hall of FIFA in Zurich, which is to elect the president, said Friday the city police is on site.

This is the second incident the day after the evacuation of two protesters waving a flag of Palestine and calling to exclude Israel, which had managed to break into the room where is held the 65th congress of FIFA in Zurich.

12 h. Blatter can it be beaten?

Blatter Ali or Hussein? Wednesday triggered storm does benefit the Jordanian prince. Not sure, Switzerland has the support of many small federations

The basic election is simple. One vote for each of the 209 federations. UEFA has 54 members but only has 53 votes, Gibraltar is not recognized by FIFA.

Africa has 54 voices, 46 Asia, CONCACAF (North America, Central and Caribbean) 35, 11 Oceania, and South America 10

& gt;. & gt; Learn more

11 h 30. Good accounts of FIFA

In his 65th congress, FIFA announced a profit of $ 338 million on 2011/2014 period for a turnover of $ 5.7 billion, thanks largely to the income of the World 2014 in Brazil, according to figures announced in March and presented Friday at the 65th congress.

“The 2011/2014 cycle was completed not only on a sporting success with the World Brazil but also financial” , explained the vice-president of FIFA Issa Hayatou, “What has helped increase the reserves of the Fifa 1.5 billion” .

Transparent on revenues and expenses, FIFA is much less on executive remuneration and refuses to disclose the remuneration of its Chairman, contrary to the IOC, which published the amount of compensation of its president Thomas Bach.

11 h. Blatter wants to repair the damage

“Let us repair the damage, but begin immediately to repair the damage” , on Friday launched Joseph Blatter, FIFA president who is seeking a fifth term to 79 years, while his body is hit by a scandal of global corruption.

Blatter, who has overcome serious crises in 2002 and 2011, eventually being re-elected, then used his famous metaphor Navy by calling 209 federations component Fifa to join for “the boat no longer pitching, and quietly advance” .

9 h 45. Opening of the Elective Congress Fifa

Jérôme Valcke, Secretary General, launched the traditional electronic housings tests for some votes. The election of the President, the one where Joseph Blatter is seeking a fifth term, facing the Prince Ali, will take place by secret ballot.

30. 9 am Press Conference postponed to Saturday

“Given the length of the agenda of that day (Friday) and Saturday held a committee Executive, post-Congress press conference will be held Saturday at 11:30 at the headquarters of FIFA, and there will be no press conference today (Friday) “, said in a statement the proceedings .


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