Saturday, May 30, 2015

A FIFA, Joseph Blatter is who wins at the end – The World

Le Monde | • Updated | By

Joseph Blatter after re-election at the head of FIFA, during the 65th Congress of Zurich, Friday, May 29

You have kept me to FIFA. I remain with you. I love you. “ It is through this statement footprint surjouée gratitude Joseph Blatter closed on Friday 29 May, the 65 th Congress of the International Football Federation. A 79-year-old Swiss was re-elected for a fifth term in the institution’s head, in the great hall of the Hallenstadion in Zurich. Despite the legal storm that has shaken the organization two days ago, with the arrest of seven of its dignitaries and the temporary suspension of eleven others for alleged acts of corruption, the influence of the patriarch remains impregnable because locked.

For the first time since 1998 and his arrival at FIFA orders, Valais beaten however, has not managed to get the first round, two-thirds of the votes of the representatives of the 209 member countries Federation. Backed by five of the six continental confederations, the septuagenarian has collected on her behalf that 133 votes against 73 for his opponent, Jordan’s Prince Ali Bin Al-Hussein, supported by the Union of European Football Associations (UEFA) and its president, Michel Platini. Happy to symbolically tie the outgoing leader, assured to bow in the second round, the challenger has finally decided to throw in the towel. “ This has been a beautiful journey, thank you to those who have followed me ,” he said, to the cheers of Congress.

Under pressure and fire from critics, “Sepp” Blatter has once again shown the full extent of his political skill ….


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