Tuesday, June 2, 2015

FIFA Jérôme Valcke, a French close to Blatter in the viewfinder … – Les Echos

The General Secretary of FIFA and Sepp Blatter’s right hand would have transferred $ 10 million in accounts managed by a former organization accused by justice American, according to the “New York Times”. Jerome Valcke denied

As part of its investigation into corruption at Fifa, American justice is very interested to French. Jerome Valcke. The secretary general of the International Football Federation and right arm of Swiss Joseph Blatter would, in the “New York Times”, transferred $ 10 million in accounts managed by former vice-president of the organization, Jack Warner. This same Jack Warner who accused among others of soliciting bribes in the allocation process of the World Cup 2010 in South Africa, visited last week with Trinidad authorities -and-Tobbaggo. After a detention of 24 hours, it was, according to AFP, released after paying bail of about $ 400,000.

“A key element”

The transfer observed under the microscope by the US investigators dates back to 2008 and was sent from an account of FIFA. It would, according to the US daily, “a key element of the corruption scandal engulfing world football” and its leaders. It also allows the “closer [inquiry] Blatter” , re-elected for a fifth term as head of the federation last Friday.

“The indictment does not say that senior Fifa [behind the transfer, Ed] s was that the money was used as an under-the-table (…) and Mr Valcke is not identified as a co-conspirator in the document “, said the” New York Times “. According to Danny Jordan, head of the World Cup in South Africa, was quoted as saying, “money was not a bribe but a legitimate payment for development in the Caribbean” . This was confirmed later FIFA in a statement.

For now, Jérôme Valcke, who was not directly accused by justice, ensures not allowing the transfer of $ 10 million. And the international football federation ensures that “or [him] and no responsible Fifa was concerned” . Investigations are continuing.


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