Friday, June 12, 2015

France team. W9 lights the FFF about programming … – Ouest-France

W9, distributor of the matches of the women’s France team during the World Cup currently taking place in Canada, was very ascended to the FFF. Indeed, the Federation has decided to postpone the game of men against Albania at 18 h is only an hour before that of the women’s team (19 h). Both matches will therefore overlap the greatest misfortune of the chain of M6 group.

“A negative message to the women’s sport”

The FFF had shifted the schedule of match not be in competition with the finals of the Top 14. A choice that has clearly not pleased the W9 General Manager, Jerome Fouqueray, which decided the know by writing directly to Christmas Graët: “At four years of the organization of the next Women’s World Cup in France, you yourself initiated and supported, I can only deplore the lack of attention and the negative message that is and sent to the women’s sport and regrets once again that incomprehensible programming all the fans of this team. “

The FFF blames UEFA

“UEFA fully control programming, said Florence Hardouin, Deputy Executive Director of the FFF, told AFP. There were two kickoffs Possible, 9:00 p.m. ET 18:00. We did not want 9 p.m. because there the final Top 14 rugby at this time or 6:00 p.m. because there are girls; we wanted to 17:00. “

” We struggled for six months, but we were told that there were two hours, 18:00 and 21:00, she added . It’s just a shame, it could have been avoided, we could have everyone happy with 17:00. “

Asked Tirana press conference, Didier Deschamps said he “sorry”. “We wanted to play 17 hours. People can look at our first period and then they can switch (the other game) , said the Blues boss.


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