Thursday, June 11, 2015

When Platini mocks the PSG –

Invited to speak once again on the Financial fair play and lack of forbearance which PSG feels victim, Michel Platini chambered the Parisian club.

If there is only one, so it will be PSG. While Manchester City should not be this season of sanctions by UEFA, the club from the capital will once again be affected by the financial fair play. An intransigence that does not fail to excite the Parisian leaders, and especially as the European body would soon review its rules on the issue in order to encourage new investors, but that does not disturb Michel Platini.

So much so true to himself, the UEFA president proved lodger against the Parisian club. “The PSG disabled? Yet he has won everything! No to Europe? Oh yes, it’s true. Too bad! “, he has launched on the subject in comments reported by Le Parisien.

And the former Juventus playmaker to challenge the idea that the Financial Fair Play favored the status quo on the European stage. “Is this going to fix the hierarchy? I saw Juventus in the final of the Champions League this year, which had not happened to him for twelve years. Last season, it was Real Madrid had not won for twelve years against Atlético Madrid, absent at this level for twenty-five years. I do not see where it freezes things “, he added.

Before you point the finger too Franco-French vision. “Anyway, I know this is very interested you, the French, because there PSG. If Qatar had invested in Milan, you would be bothered right now!”


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