Friday, June 5, 2015

Domenech: “I hope that the Irish will claim part of the … –

Raymond Domenech does not understand that the Irish federation has accepted the $ 5 million of FIFA for the damage suffered after the hand of Thierry Henry.

On Thursday, Fifa confirmed having paid the Irish Federation (FAI) $ 5 million after the hand of Thierry Henry in the qualifying round for the 2010 World Cup between France and Ireland . The International Federation had done so to stop the prosecution of the Irish, who felt wronged. Raymond Domenech, who was the coach of the Blues at the time, does not understand that the FAI was able to accept such a compromise.

If I were Irish player, I’d rebelled against my leaders According to this new , has he said Friday morning on Europe 1. It is not possible that they sacrificed the possibility of appeal to go play a World Cup for $ 5 million . I hope now that the Irish players will claim some of the money. It was their qualification was at stake. This is sporting outrageous, unacceptable that sporting sacrifice this for money. “

This is not the first time that Domenech displays sympathy for Ireland. There are a few months, he had said he “would have dreamed” to become coach of the Boys in Green. The tone of the joke, he said afterwards.


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