Saturday, March 21, 2015

Nice had nothing to lose and won everything –

Nice had nothing to lose and won everything

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Claude Puel, coach of Nice after the victory 1-2 in Lyon: “ I am very happy for my players, it’s a good game, a good reaction. I think it was the quality this afternoon. And then make such a match in Lyon, with the scenario that we are somewhat contrary, as in the second half, it was a ball of 2-0 and then the next action, the penalty is conceded and expulsion. It was hard, but we stayed consistent with the desire to exploit any situation and then one of them, we get the penalty. It rewards the whole group has done a very good game against a top team of the table. This is not the first this season, it shows the quality of this group. Now, you must register in the regularity and chain. There the way, because we will play direct competitors. I prefer to have direct competitors for thus it is up to us. All games will be difficult and contested. We won in Monaco, Bordeaux. We beat Marseille, Lille and emerges victorious here in Lyon. One is able to make things interesting. Here we had nothing to lose . ”


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