Tuesday, March 24, 2015

France – Brazil – Nabil Fekir “shy”? “Reserved”? No, “ambitious” – MetroNews

Finally very comfortable. Yet described by his new teammates for the France team as a boy “reserved” or “shy” Nabil Fekir gave a press conference to attack his first steps yesterday in Blue Clairefontaine. “Ambitious” by his own admission, the young Lyonnais (21 years) has made clear his desire to settle permanently in the group of Didier Deschamps.

“My goal is the Euro 2016, has even dropped the attacker, still aware that the competition is tough. But there is always a bit of pressure because there are many good players … “Not enough to shake the confidence provided the The attacker who knows a meteoric rise this season (13 goals and 11 assists with OL).

A single question authorized by the staff on the choice of Fekir between France and Algeria

“Everything went very quickly concedes Franco-Algerian. I am aware that there is a lot of waiting … To me to stay calm and keep down to earth. ” And to also mention the controversial episode of his dithering between the Blues and the Desert Foxes.

always very sensitive topic for the traffic staff, which has allowed reporters to one question subject. Fekir has also had to repeat that his choice is “definitive” proof that he now knows where it goes. No wonder then to learn that he sang “My direction” of the rap group Sexion Assault hazing during his Monday night.

& gt; & gt; The decision to abandon Fekir Algeria is not happening in his family
& gt; & gt;
Varane, Deschamps hand man


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