Monday, December 21, 2015

Sepp Blatter (FIFA), “I am treated like a punching bag” – The É

Less than an hour after the announcement of his suspension for eight years by the FIFA ethics committee, Blatter explained the reasons that prompted him to appeal the decision. “I’m really sorry, sorry to be further processed somewhere like a punching bag, sorry and sorry for football FIFA he explained during a conference outstanding press, held in Zurich, in front of numerous media. I am sorry for me in this world of humanity. “

” They accuse us of being liars. This is not correct “

After playing on the emotional register, referring to former South African President Nelson Mandela, the Swiss leader was very offensive toward its judges. “I regret to have arrived there for my organization, I served for forty-one years with heart and good conscience, he told . I talked to my lawyer this morning was not surprised by my suspension. The communication of the ethics committee of FIFA is an example of what not to do. They accuse us of being liars. It’s not correct. I’m not ashamed, I regret because I am a man of principle. If I feel betrayed? The answer is yes. The Ethics Commission must judge the ethical behavior but she denies the evidence and trying to build something that is not true. “

” Today I am sad but combative, he added, as a boxer on the ropes, wearing a large bandage on his face, trace of his hospitalization, a few days ago. This is not possible after qiuarante years of doing such things to put ourselves into question in that way, to see ourselves as liars. But why you do not believe me? It is a question of respect for people, he said. You can not convict someone for no good reason. “


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