Friday, December 18, 2015

Foot – L1 – Nice – Claude Puel: “Very interesting” – The É

Claude Puel (Nice coach, winner of Montpellier, on beIN Sport) : “I think we did a big benefit, not always successful, but especially in character, in the fact of not letting go. We had a lot of headwinds for our games, expulsions, four penalties in the last five matches … we were points of debt. Montpellier had all week to prepare. We faced a big team, Montpellier is second after the PSG on these matches. They proved it tonight with great physical density, percussion, and we responded. In the second half we resisted, and win in these conditions, it’s beautiful. When there is not much fuel, to win this kind of match is very interesting. “

” This is the best start I have experienced ” (Koziello)

Koziello Vincent (middle of Nice on beIN Sport) : “We are quite satisfied with our half-season. We made beautiful things, we won against big, you come to the truce with 29 points, one is 5th. Personally, this is the best start to the season that I knew. I am very proud, happy. To confirm me in 2016. I think it is well cut, think about something else, and then well get going, because we hope to do things a lot this season. “


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