Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Jean-Michel Aulas regret that Lyon has become “a team of stars with big salaries” –

“The boys look individually than before. Before, it was a group of friends. Today is a team of stars with big salaries”

         Before the Champions Trophy against PSG on Saturday and after four defeats in five friendlies, Jean-Michel Aulas sets the scene. He wants a reaction from his men, even though the season has not started yet. Prevention is better than cure …

“I have confidence in our staff. It is for them to find solutions. From our side we will get down to strengthen the workforce. In exchange he will win games. “

         Pure Jean-Michel Aulas in the text. It says we have confidence in his men while pressing on the fact that they will not have to miss. It must be said that the stakes are enormous. In January, OL will return in a stadium which cost 450 million euros to the club. And it will take the team to be up to par.

Jean-Michel Aulas and Hubert Fournier (OL Lyon) – Panoramic

“What Clément Grenier likes to live, that’s good. Now if he smokes, I do not know, I advise him to stop. “

         After the new injury Clément Grenier hamstring against Arsenal at the Emirates Cup (0-6), Jean-Michel Aulas has pinpointed the player’s lifestyle. One way to remember that some are no longer necessary efforts

           To see the full interview


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