Friday, July 31, 2015

Beijing 2022: “Safe and historic choice” to IOC President – The World

Beijing will host the Olympic Games 2022.

The attribution to the organization of the Beijing Olympic Winter Games 2022 is a “safe choice and historical” , responded the president of the International Olympic Committee ( IOC), Thomas Bach, for whom China “will fulfill its commitments” .

“With the vast experience of China in the organization of large-scale events, it really is a safe choice. We know that China will fulfill its commitments and keep its promises , Mr. Bach said after the designation of Beijing, favorite in Almaty, Kazakhstan. This is a historic victory for Beijing, which from today is the first city to hold both the Olympic Summer and Winter Games. “

Asked about the fact that three editions of the Games will take place successively in Asia (the Winter Olympics in 2018 in South Korea, 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo and Winter Olympics 2022 in Beijing), Mr. Bach said: “We have always decided at the IOC an informal geographic rotation. In the past it was very focused on Europe. This choice [Beijing] is an expression of globalization. “

” Today is a day quite remarkable landmark in history “, reacted on his side Mayor Beijing, Wang Anshun. To explain the choice of IOC members, he added that “China enjoys economic stability” and “China’s population fully supports Beijing in its application” . “In the history of the Olympic movement, some countries have organized the Games many times” , he then wished to stress.

Beijing will host the Games winter, only fourteen years after organizing his first Games, summer in 2008. “It will be only the second time in a hundred and twenty years of Olympic history that a country of 1.3 billion inhabitants, which represents a quarter of the world population, is organizing the Games “, said the mayor of the Chinese capital.


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