Sunday, January 24, 2016

Christophe Galtier (ASSE) “Equalization is deserved” – The É

“Do you have the feeling of having lost two points?
No. From the moment we opened the scoring, much has suffered. Reims has obtained several very dangerous situations. We had success and Stéphane (Ruffier) ​​made the stops we needed. Even if it leads up to the 89th minute, we ended up harassed. Balloons in our area could cause errors. There is a path that is not cut and Reims shows opportunist. Equalization is deserved. It’s infuriating. At least we will be content with that. That made six trips than is taking no. If we can start a series, would be good.

You have pushed your players. Have they made positive responses?
I saw a lot of determination and investment of my players. The conditions were very difficult. They would let go. But it does not address the flaws in the game in two days. I appreciated that the team is very disciplined.

Bahebeck, scorer, is your other satisfaction of the evening?
Yes, he scored a Also important goal against Ajaccio. But he knows that I am not satisfied with the first six months. “


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