Football – Ligue 1
Thursday, April 30, 2015 – 1:13
On waves RMC , the agent Laurent Blanc Jean-Pierre Bernes ensured that the Cevennes remain at Paris Saint-Germain this season next. “ Laurent Blanc has a contract, so the question does not seem to arise. The other clubs proposals? No. We know he’s under contract, Paris wants to become one of the most big European clubs. Laurent and Didier (Deschamps) are coaches who want to win. Paris is in the category of clubs that allow for very high results. His career will not stop in Paris, but at the moment I do not see what could blame him said Bernès. Laurent does not need to shout to be heard. In Paris, it reached its yearly goals. Missing just this passage to reach the semis of C1. Paris will win one day, but be patient, and leaders must learn from. The clubs that can win the C1, there are 10 in Europe. Paris is one. For me, there is 100% chance it stays in Paris. ”
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