Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Licensed for a tweet “I’m not Charlie” –

Akin Akingbala was fired from Rouen club. The Nigerian accused of pivot is shared on his Twitter account a message on the attacks of Charlie Hebdo, which would have “attained the honor” of his club.

“I’m not Charlie, I am Ahmed, the dead policeman. Charlie ridiculed my faith and I died defending his right to do so.” This is by “retweeting” this message Dyab Abou Jahjah columnist Flemish daily Standaard on the Twitter network Akin Akingbala, Nigerian pivot Rouen, caused his dismissal.

An information relayed by Team on Wednesday, and then confirmed by the club on its official website. “The SPO Rouen Basket dismissed the player Akinlolu Akingbala for breach of the terms of his employment contract. Indeed, Akinlolu Akingbala had received several warnings. The player left the club this morning. No Information will be given about the charges against the player “, wrote the club, on its official website. A club that had already warned twice for his player “insubordination” and “breach of the rules of life of the team” , which obviously wanted to get rid of a player deemed “out of shape” and repeatedly dismissed this season.

In turn, the player’s lawyer, Romuald Palao, decided to send the case to the tribunal. “is accused of violating it by Article Pro contracts stipulating a duty of loyalty and respect from the player towards his employer, and the prohibition of violating the honor the company , he explains in the columns of L’Equipe. I do not see the connection with his message. It is a mere pretext that the club was looking for already months , to separate a player they no longer wanted. Mr. Akingbala challenges the serious misconduct and also denies any anti-religious character of the tweet. Faith talked about is not even his (the player is Christian, ed.) ” The judgment on the case is scheduled for June 4th


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