Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Atletico shines, not Torres –

A nice option. For the return of Fernando Torres, rather transparent, Atletico Madrid disposed of Real Madrid in the eighth-finals of the Spanish Cup (2-0). A derby as often tense and has switched to a penalty obtained and processed by Raul Garcia Raul Jimenez before doubled the lead. Real will have to use the next leg Thursday …

“El Nino” returned and Atletico still managed to get the better of the neighboring Real Madrid in a derby that always counts as much. Of course, this was only the first leg of this 8th finals of the Spanish Cup, Fernando Torres certainly hardly affected the meeting, but Diego Simeone’s men have still perfectly played the shot facing a Real without Ronaldo at kickoff and has not been able to shake off the grip of Mattress despite possession of the ball.

For this new duel between Madrid, the beginning of meeting is under the sign of the return of Fernando Torres. The public is hot, as always, and even more for his darling, but it’s Oblak, replacing the usual doorman, distinguishes input is a parade of the highest order in front of Sergio Ramos. Still, the game Torres is scanned, even if it has not much to put in their mouths. Note well the attempted lob (5th) and especially several positions offside that will eventually make pester Simeone.

The Real, he is not much of a huge ball , if not this recovery Bale missing part of a nothing (52). The duel will however take a new twist on a fact of the game. Raul Garcia is the fight with Sergio Ramos, who is trapped in the duel pushing his opponent in full surface. Raul Garcia, Atletico symbol of this raging, transforms the penalty spot (1-0, 58th). A soon doubled the advantage by Raul Jimenez catapulted head that takes the best on Sergio Ramos (2-0, 76th).

If the end game is very tense, with cartons shovel, c ‘is Atletico Madrid who realizes the good operation of this eighth-finals and prepares the best his trip to Camp Nou in La Liga Sunday for the shock of the 18th day … it will be time to continue with the rollercoaster return match scheduled next Thursday at the Santiago Bernabeu. With this time a Real really back to the wall …


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