Thursday, October 9, 2014

Houllier candidate for president of the FFF? –

Gérard Houllier could stand for election for the presidency of the French Football Federation (FFF), the election to be held in autumn 2016 The daily Team , the former Lyon coach would have probed several presidents of professional clubs. If support, he would consider running succession Christmas Graët.

This seems very early to think , swept Houllier, whose mission with Red Bull expires. This is an election that will take place in more than two years. Today I do not think about it. And if I thought I would speak first to my family and People currently in place. This is a bit indecent to talk about succession Christmas Graët, which does a very good job. By 2016, I have almost 70 years. My health will play an important role.

Graët, aged 72 and re-elected two years ago, had indicated that it was his last term. But it would have reconsidered its position and is expected to decide early 2016 about the possibility to continue as head of the FFF.


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