Sunday, September 28, 2014

Ryder Cup: Victor Dubuisson, revelation –

GOLF. – The French actively participated in the triumph of Europe over the United States at Gleneagles (Scotland) …

Sunday is Rory McIlroy who served Champagne Victor Dubuisson. Like the rest of his teammates Ryder Cup, the world’s number one expected the French to finish his part to flood the 18th green and golden hair “Dubush.” The image will remain as the first highly successful global player in the 23rd test, won again by Europeans (16.5 to 11.5).

“This guy and the future star of the team, “

The best compliment came from Graeme McDowell. The Irishman shared two parts-each foursome player plays the ball from the otherwise victorious with the phenomenon Friday and Saturday. “I think this guy is the future superstar of the European team. It’s very easy to play alongside a player so talented. He is very modest. But all I had to do was to make it relax, and take pleasure and lets go. ” The bet was not a foregone conclusion for this solo first, who hates comic transit and drives parts with the upper crust.

Paul McGinley, the Irish captain of “Team Europe “promised not to force its nature after spending three days in Dubuisson, in Cannes, to get to know him. He kept his word, asking McDowell, a Taulier Ryder Cup, to get comfortable for the weekend. It worked, did the scare on Friday when “Dubush” forgot his putter … the toilet! “I was stressed before you start, but faded soon we typed out the first pitch, the French responded. The main reason for my good behavior during the two days was the fact evolve alongside him. “

Things to do in two years

undefeated at the end of the weekend -he finished sharing his game against Johnson Dubuisson had a real “crush” with the Ryder Cup, unlike Van de Velde and Levet, anonymous passengers in 1999 and 2004 if his match Sunday accounted for champagne, he was placed in the last part, a sign that does not deceive: the French is set to become a regular customer of the largest rendezvous of golf on the planet. He succeeded in any case his first final exam.



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